Testimonials about alleviating pain
April 24, 2009
Thank you so much for taking care of my heel pain. After four treatments, my heel felt perfect again. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have been able to be pain free. Prior to my appointments with you, I went to an MD; did stretching exercises; and put supports in my shoes to no avail.
Also, thanks for helping Nicole to get rid of her jaw pain and lower back pain.
May 9, 2009
I am a 59 year old male with chronic back pain, chronic neck pain and difficulty emptying my bladder. The back and neck pain are a result of degenerative disk disease, bone spurs and some arthritis, the most severe required hospitalization.
My difficulty in urinating resulted from a gunshot wound to my lower back which injured the nerve network that controls bladder function. This occurred thirty one years ago and initially prevented all ability to empty the bladder requiring self catheterization 4 to 5 times daily for 6 months. Ever since, a weak, intermittent and erratic stream persists to the present day.
After only three sessions with Dr. Kong I noticed a definite and measurable reduction in neck and lower back pain, especially upon waking in the morning. My ability to move and walk was greatly improved and, overall, pain has decreased by at least 50%.
The most remarkable improvement though was my ability to empty my bladder. I suddenly felt much improved relief upon urination, especially in the morning when urinating has always been difficult. I experienced the sensation of bladder contraction and a stronger flow which I had not felt in over 30 years except on very rare occasions.
I have no doubt that Acupuncture as administered by Dr. Kong has improved the conditions mentioned. I will continue to receive treatment as long as necessary or until it is determined that no further benefit can be gained.
March 28, 2012
I can say that Dr. Shan Kong helped me more than I could have imagined. Nearly 80 years old, I’ve had series of health conditions, which resulted in my weight dropping to about 80 pounds. I also contracted shingles, which caused terrible neuralgia, had me hospitalized and on an IV morphine drip for severe pain! After ten weeks of treatments 3x a week, my pain was lessened, my appetite and energy increased and I have gained back nearly ten pounds. It has been an amazing experience for me, who never knew of the power of acupuncture. She is extremely knowledgeable and gentle, willing to bring her healing powers to anyone. After my experience, I strongly recommend seeing Dr. Kong for any health problem.
March 29, 2012
I had not had acupuncture before, but was impressed with Dr. Kong’s credentials and expertise and decided to give it try. I have no serious health problems, but was having some neck pain and foot pain as a result of athletic activities. After two months of twice weekly treatments with Dr. Shan Kong, those pains are totally gone and the special stress and even sinus treatments she performed enable me to breathe better and function with much more energy. l would recommend Dr. Kong to anyone wishing to improve overall health and wellness.
I am a runner and was experiencing some significant knee pain and had already ruled out surgery of any kind. Dr. Shan Kong was an excellent choice for me. She is not only incredibly knowledgeable, but gentle and caring. My knees feel better than they have in years and her treatment for stress reduction has also greatly increased my overall energy. Her treatments for the immune system I’m sure, helped keep me very healthy throughout the winter. Even though it’s about an hour’s drive, I intend to continue to see Dr. Kong on a regular basis. I have long been a believer in acupuncture, and her care and treatment have only confirmed my belief.
“You have been a lifesaver for me. After 35 years of fighting off pain for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year it’s fantastic to be almost completely pain-free and I have extra energy as well! Thanks once again, Dr. Kong.”
“I want to thank you so much for helping me with my chronic lower back pain. Your treatment has made a big difference in my life. I have now been able to resume swimming, my favorite form of exercise, and am able to sleep pain-free at night. I had tried many other modalities to try to get relief from this pain, including many rounds of physical therapy, pain medications and had even considered surgery as the pain continued into its 2nd year and the quality of my life declined. I am glad that I was referred to you because it was the acupuncture, under the guidance of your skilled hands, which, ultimately, set me on the road to recovery.”