Acupuncture for Hepatitis
Acupuncture has successfully helped people infected with the virus (most common hepatitis B & C) and alcoholic liver, fatty liver, toxic and drug-induced hepatitis.
How does acupuncture work for Hepatitis?
Many studies found that acupuncture increased T-cell proliferation, and proved that acupuncture is the best way to strengthen immunity; significantly improves liver function; decreases symptoms; normalize or lower liver enzymes and slow the progression of liver disease. Researchers investigated acupuncture’s effectiveness at reducing adverse side effects from medications; and offered significant benefits to patients in decreasing muscle aches, fatigue, depression, irritability and nausea.
Course of treatment
There are 10-15 acupuncture sessions in one course of treatment. Treatment frequency depends on individual condition. Chinese herbs work synergistically with acupuncture.
For more information please contact Dr. Shan Kong at Acupuncture and Chinese Medical Center Ann Arbor, Michigan at (734) 276-3432.